Should You Be Worried about Windows Condensation on Vinyl Windows?

Our team at View Point often hears the same questions from our customers: “Is something wrong with my windows when there is moisture on the inside?” or “Why does condensation forms on the inside” or “Why is water accumulating on my windows? Most Boise, ID homeowners don’t need to worry about condensation. But, it never hurts to talk to an experienced team for personal recommendations.

Condensation on New Vinyl Windows

Is it a bad sign if you notice condensation forms on the inside of your new vinyl windows? is condensation on windows bad? The truth is, It might seem alarming if your old windows didn’t accumulate moisture, and you are seeing the moisture now.

The truth is that isn’t a bad sign if you notice water collecting on the inside of the window. But, there are a few things that you can do to minimize window condensation and protect the quality of your new windows.

Why You See Condensation on the Windows

What causes condensation? When warm air comes in contact with cool surfaces, then condensation can form. Consider a time when you carried an ice-cold beverage outside on a hot summer day. The hot air outside comes in contact with the cool surface of the glass, and then moisture forms on the outside of the glass. This reaction is the reason why so many people are adamant about using coasters to avoid damage to the tables and furniture.

In the same way, windows can “sweat” on a cold winter day. Inside, you are toasty warm while the heater is running. The freezing air outside comes in contact with the glass on the windows and causes moisture to form on the inside of the windows. Common daily activities can increase the moisture in your home, which increases the “sweat” found on the windows. A hot bath or shower will release moisture into the air. Cooking can also affect the humidity levels in your home.

The risk of indoor air condensation can sometimes be higher with energy efficient windows. These products seal your home and prevent drafty air that moves through the frames. Since the home is sealed, the heat and moisture are trapped inside. The features that make your windows more energy efficient also lock in the moisture which increases the risk of the formation of condensation.

Humidity in the Winter Months

Boise can be cold and dry during the winter months, which is why many homeowners welcome the extra moisture inside. Increasing humidity levels make your home more comfortable and reduce the need to use lotion every day. At the same time, too much humidity can lead to mold growth and other damage to your home. So, it is important that you are proactive to reduce indoor humidity if you start to notice problems.

Improve air circulation by running fans. Ceiling fans are great for large rooms or use the exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen. If the weather is nice outside, open the windows to bring in the fresh air.

If you have questions about the performance of your vinyl windows Boise ID, then our team is always here to assist. Contact View Point, Inc. at6715 W State St, Boise, ID 83714.Call for a consultation: (208) 854-1877

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix condensation on windows?
Here are some ideas on how to fix interior condensation:
Turn down the humidifier.
Buy a moisture eliminator.
Make sure to circulate the air.
Open your windows.
Raise the temperature.

Is condensation on windows normal?
Condensation is caused by an excessive amount of humidity in your home. As the temperature outside drops so does the temperature of your window glass. … It’s normal to experience condensation once you have replaced old, drafty windows since the humid air can’t escape and cold, drier air cannot enter.

Should you wipe condensation off windows?

Yes. Keep glass as clear of condensation as you can. Wipe away moisture that has formed using a soft cloth. Leave open any ‘trickle vents in double glazed units.

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