Is Winter A Bad Window Replacement Time? No!

replacement windows in Boise, ID

Most homeowners prefer getting replacement windows in Boise, ID either in the fall or spring. There are obvious reasons for that, but wintertime isn’t necessarily a bad time of year to get new windows, either. While it might not be as idea weather-wise, there are benefits to going ahead if you need the windows during those winter months.

Save Money On The Windows

Sometimes, window companies will have discounts over the winter months because they aren’t as busy. It’s a simple supply and demand chain. People don’t replace windows as much in the winter, so they are going to discount them to entice more homeowners to take the project on. You could save quite a bit of money during the winter months if you go ahead before spring hits.

Installation Dates Are Easier

When everyone is replacing their windows, you might have to wait for an installation date. When you do get a date, you might not have much of a choice in that date. You have to take what you can get. In the winter, though, since things are usually slower for these companies, you can get whatever date is convenient for you without having to wait around.

Installations Are Faster

Professional installers know that you don’t want your house open to the cold are for long. They take one window out and replace it before they start on another. They are going to get the job done as quickly as possible so they don’t have to stay out in the cold and so they can protect your home as fast as they can. Even though they don’t have as many jobs lined up, they’re likely to move faster when it’s colder.

Other Projects Can Be The Spring Focus

Once you have the new windows installed, you can start to think about other things you can do in the spring. Perhaps you want to add landscaping, something you can’t really do in the winter, or paint your house, something that can only be done at certain temperatures. Getting the window project out of the way helps you land other project ideas for the spring—and actually have time for them! Plus, once the windows are in, you’ll start saving money on your energy bills and that will help you afford the projects you want to take on next.

When you are ready for replacement windows in Boise, ID, the professionals at View Point, Inc. can help. Call us at (208) 854-1877 and we can talk to you about the winter process and how we can make it happen for your home. IF you have a budget in mind, let us know the parameters and we’ll help you get the windows that can fit into them. We’re here to help in any way we can. Tour our showroom at 6715 W State St Boise, ID 83714 to look over labels, get inspiration on what windows are best for you, and to talk to us about your window goals.

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